Recent Games
Date |
vs. |
Result |
03/06 |
San Francisco Sabercats |
T 2-2 |
03/05 |
Santa Rosa Flyers |
L 5-3 |
03/05 |
Vacaville Jets |
W 16-0 |
02/20 |
La Jolla Jaguars |
W 7-5 |
For complete team record, see Record page |
2010 - 2011 Cougars Mite Info
Team roster is posted
Please note the following schedule:
1/8 Saturday Mite Cross-Ice in Oakland
1/15 MLK weekend (tournament or Chris will provide at least one practice on Saturday)
1/29 Saturday 4:30-6:00 San Mateo
2/12 Saturday 4:45-6:00 Vallco
2/18-2/21 Presidents Day in San Diego
2/26 Saturday 6:30-7:45 Vallco
3/5 Saturday Mite Jamboree
The following days will most likely be some of the away games (either Saturday or Sunday
depending their ice availability).
1/22 or 1/23
2/5 or 2/6

Jan 4 - Mar 1
Tuesday at Vallco:
4:45 PM to 5:45 PM
(Aaron and Chris Hathaway will run the practice)