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   Membership Report on 2003/2004 Survey Results
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The following is a summary of the results of the 2003/2004 Cougars Season Survey that was recently completed.  Thanks to everyone who took the time to submit a response.  As was stated in the initial announcement, the goal of this survey is to receive input from our members in order to make the Cougar organization as strong, and as user-friendly, as possible by adding to our strengths, and improving upon our weaker areas, wherever possible.

Using the results of this survey will definitely assist the organization as it makes plans for next season and beyond.  Many people were very happy with all facets of the season and just had some minor suggestions, but others had some issues that will be thoroughly reviewed.  The candidness of the responses will allow for a realistic assessment of this past season. 

The response rate for the survey was about 50%.  A little lower than hoped but that is being attributed to most players and parents being satisfied with the status quo - although it would have been nice to hear that as well.

A more detailed report is with the Cougars organization and the Friends of the Cougars (FOC).  Each comment and concern from the responses will be looked at and discussed.  That doesn't mean every suggestion can be implemented for a variety of reasons, but they all will be evaluated.

This report to the membership is intended for your information as a member of the 2003/2004 Cougars.

Some highlights include:
- Many people consider the Cougars part of their extended family and are proud to be a part of the club.  This is especially true for the older teams that play out of Bridgepointe.
- Quality coaches.  For the most part, players and parents respected and liked their coaches, and they thought their kids grew both on and off the ice because of them.
- People generally seemed well informed, and satisfied with the amount and timeliness of information.
- The club had some excellent Team Managers this season.
- Three practice slots worked out great for the older teams.

A key indicator of how the season went is whether the players would play for their coach again and whether they will tryout for the Cougars next season.  A very large percentage of most teams responded positively to these questions, which doesn't mean there aren't things to be improved upon, or critical comments will be ignored, but it's much easier to improve than overhaul.

Some concerns that were raised include:
- Critical comments were received about some of the facilities, including the ice conditions, cleanliness, viewing areas, and the even the locker rooms being rented out for birthday parties on game days at Vallco.
- Communication early in season with first-year players and parents could be improved.
- Need more Mite players before committing to having a team.
- The timing, ordering and sizing of the warmups did not go well.
(Critical comments about individuals are not being ignored, but are being limited to the management report.)

There were many suggestions received for improving the organization for next season.  All will be evaluated, but here's a sampling:
- Fundraising or sponsors to offset program costs.  Scholarships to assist families.
- A jersey recycling program, mainly for the younger teams as they outgrow them quickly.
- Get the jerseys in earlier and maybe a third (black) jersey.
- A monthly newsletter to help disseminate information around the organization.
- More off-ice, non-hockey activities for teams to bond.
- Need shades or blinds on the windows at Bridgepointe to reduce glare during day games.

As a reminder to the membership, the Friends of the Cougars organization is basically the parent's auxiliary for the Cougars and their meetings are intended to communicate between teams and from, and to, the organization.  It's an evolving project that continues to learn and grow and needs parental support to make the season successful.  All parents are automatically members of the FOC (although some votes are only 1 per team).  You can simply come and listen and learn, or bring up topics to be discussed.
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